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6 Simple Steps to Cleaning a Ceramic Hair Straightener

6 Simple Steps to Cleaning a Ceramic Hair Straightener

If you want to straighten your hair, the hair straightening iron is very useful; however, if you use it frequently, the plates will become dirty.

The collection of hair care products, powder, and oils from the scalp causes the ceramic plates on the irons to become dirty over time.

How should professional flat iron hair straighteners be cleaned?

If you're considering the Ikonic pro hair straightener or the S3+ ceramic hair straightener, you'll want to make sure your money is well spent and your equipment lasts for years. Scrubbing and putting abrasive cleansers on plates can scratch and damage them, which is why the golden rule for cleaning ceramic hair straighteners is to be as gentle as possible.

Here's a step-by-step instruction to removing residue without causing damage to your computer:

1. Always make sure the professional flat iron hair straightener are disconnected and thoroughly cool before using them. After each usage, place them on a heat-resistant surface or cooling mat.

2. Soak a soft cloth in lukewarm water and squeeze off excess moisture. Keep in mind that you should never submerge your straighteners in the water!

3. Gently brush the surface of the plates with the towel. Patience is essential. You can also use a small bit of shampoo and wipe it off with a clean, wet cloth if necessary.

4. Before using the hair straighteners, make sure they're fully dry.

5. Is the residue finding particularly difficult to get rid of? It's preferable to use rubbing alcohol if there's a lot of product build-up.

6. Apply a small amount to a piece of cotton and rub it on the plates and around the edges, as this is where the biggest buildup occurs. Then wipe them down with a clean, damp (not wet!) cloth and let them dry completely before reusing. Avoid using baby wipes because they can leave an oily residue.

What are the other steps on how to clean ceramic flat iron:

  • Turn on the iron after plugging it in.

Set the flat iron to the lowest setting and wait a few minutes for it to heat up. It is easier to clean after heating it since it loosens any built-up filth and crud.

  • Unplug and turn off your iron

To avoid scorching surfaces, place the flat iron on a heat-proof mat and let it cool for about 5 minutes. Check to see if it's switched off and unplugged from the outlet.

  • Using a damp cloth, wipe the Flat Iron

To check if the flat iron has cooled enough to hold in your hand, place your hand about an inch above it. If the temperature is mildly warm, dampen a washcloth with warm water and thoroughly wipe off all surfaces.

If you're cleansing the tool for the first time after a long period of usage, professional cleaning solutions should be used to complete the overall cleaning.

  • Alcohol and a Cotton Ball are used to rub the plates

After the flat iron has cooled fully, soak the cotton balls in alcohol. Wipe the build-ups and stains off the flat iron. After a thorough cleaning, softly moisten a clean towel with water and wash it down once more.

  • Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a bowl.

In a dish or bowl, combine 1/4 cup baking soda and hydrogen peroxide until a paste forms. With your fingertips, rub the paste onto the flat iron. This aids in the removal of crud and filth from hair products.

  • Using a toothbrush or a Magic Eraser, scrub the area.

Scrub the hard parts with a toothbrush or magic erasers, such as the space between the plates and the plastic cover. The chemicals formaldehyde, sodium bisulfite, and melamine in the magic eraser help to eliminate stains.

  • Relax your flat iron by using a relaxer.

Relaxers are most commonly used to straighten curly hair, although they can also be used to clean straightening irons. How to clean a ceramic hair straightener with a cream relaxer is as follows:

  1. While the tool is disconnected and cool, evenly apply a layer of cream to the ceramic iron plates.
  2. Turn on the flat iron and leave it for about 10 minutes after plugging it in.
  3. Allow the flat iron to cool completely after turning it off and unplugging it. Remove all of the relaxers with a dampened cloth once it has cooled.

Cleaning ceramic flat iron plates necessitates extreme vigilance. To avoid being shocked, the flat iron should never be submerged in water.

When the ceramic flat iron is plugged in, alcohol should not be used. Abrasive chemicals should also be avoided because they destroy the covering.

We're all about pioneering holistic hair styling health at Ikonic. That involves selecting the most professional hair straightener and curler, as well as reminding our clients to sanitize and clean their styling tools on a regular basis.